Singing Guide: Kip Moore

Singing Guide: Kip Moore

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you interested in learning how to sing like Kip Moore? The country singer has a distinctive and soulful voice, and his music embodies a unique mix of traditional country with rock and roll energy.

To emulate Kip's vocal style, begin by analyzing your own voice (refer to "How to analyze your voice"). Kip Moore's voice type is baritone, and his vocal style is characterized by his ability to balance a gritty edge with smooth, emotive delivery, a vocal technique also known as mixed voice. He often employs a twangy vocal distortion technique in his songs (view How to Twang Exercise).

Kip Moore’s songs showcase his unique vocal style. One good example is his song “Beer Money” -- it has a catchy driving rhythm, and Kip embraces both the high and low ends of his range with twang and growl (view How to Growl Exercise). Another great example of Kip's distinctive vocal style can be found in his ballad, "Hey Pretty Girl," which showcases his ability to deliver touching and tender moments using softness and control.

Try out these exercises to help you achieve Kip Moore's vocal range and style (embed these exercises):

Incorporating breathing techniques, humming exercises, warming-up, and vocal strengtheners will help you develop your mixed voice, and hone in on your unique sound. Don’t be afraid to add a twang or growl! Check out our Insights into Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting article to learn more about twang and other contemporary vocal techniques (view Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting).

To make the most out of your singing practice, learn effective song-learning strategies (refer to How to learn a song effectively), and use the right posture while singing (refer to How posture affects your singing). Be sure to utilize Singing Carrots' tools, like the vocal range test (view Vocal range test) and pitch accuracy test (view Pitch accuracy test) to gauge your progress.

Remember, to sing like Kip Moore, you have to channel his passion and energy, and develop your vocal style to its fullest potential. With the right practice and by utilizing resources like Singing Carrots, you'll be on your way to emulating Kip Moore's unique vocal style in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.